没有的可以在Windows的Command Prompt或mac和Linux的Terminal输入pip install bext(Python3.4中自带了pip,没有的可以下个新版Python或
在Linux上输入sudo apt-get install python3-pip或sudo yum install python3-pip)
注:bext模块不能再IDLE或PyCharm等IDE中运行,必须在终端或命令提示符输入python [你的python文件名,如fish.py]或python3 【python文件名】
并且需要用cd(change Dictionary)命令切换到python文件在的文件夹,如在Windows上:
C:\Users\Admin>cd D:\python\
D:\python>python fish.py
import random, sys, time import bext WIDTH, HEIGHT = bext.size() WIDTH -= 1 NUM_KELP = 2 NUM_FISH = 10 NUM_BUBBLERS = 1 FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 4 FISH_TYPES = [ {'right': ['><>'], 'left': ['<><']}, {'right': ['>||>'], 'left': ['<||<']}, {'right': ['>))>'], 'left': ['<[[<']}, {'right': ['>||o', '>||.'], 'left': ['o||<', '.||<']}, {'right': ['>))o', '>)).'], 'left': ['o[[<', '.[[<']}, {'right': ['>-==>'], 'left': ['<==-<']}, {'right': [r'>\\>'], 'left': ['<//<']}, {'right': ['><)))*>'], 'left': ['<*(((><']}, {'right': ['}-[[[*>'], 'left': ['<*]]]-{']}, {'right': [']-<)))b>'], 'left': ['<d(((>-[']}, {'right': ['><XXX*>'], 'left': ['<*XXX><']}, {'right': ['_.-._.-^=>', '.-._.-.^=>', '-._.-._^=>', '._.-._.^=>'], 'left': ['<=^-._.-._', '<=^.-._.-.', '<=^_.-._.-', '<=^._.-._.']}, ] LONGEST_FISH_LENGTH = 10 LEFT_EDGE = 0 RIGHT_EDGE = WIDTH - 1 - LONGEST_FISH_LENGTH TOP_EDGE = 0 BOTTOM_EDGE = HEIGHT - 2 def main(): global FISHES, BUBBLERS, BUBBLES, KELPS, STEP bext.bg('black') bext.clear() FISHES = [] for i in range(NUM_FISH): FISHES.append(generateFish()) BUBBLERS = [] for i in range(NUM_BUBBLERS): BUBBLERS.append(random.randint(LEFT_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE)) BUBBLES = [] KELPS = [] for i in range(NUM_KELP): kelpx = random.randint(LEFT_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE) kelp = {'x': kelpx, 'segments': []} for i in range(random.randint(6, HEIGHT - 1)): kelp['segments'].append(random.choice(['(', ')'])) KELPS.append(kelp) STEP = 1 while True: simulateAquarium() drawAquarium() time.sleep(1 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) clearAquarium() STEP += 1 def getRandomColor(): """Return a string of a random color.""" return random.choice(('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'white')) def generateFish(): """Return a dictionary that represents a fish.""" fishType = random.choice(FISH_TYPES) colorPattern = random.choice(('random', 'head-tail', 'single')) fishLength = len(fishType['right'][0]) if colorPattern == 'random': colors = [] for i in range(fishLength): colors.append(getRandomColor()) if colorPattern == 'single' or colorPattern == 'head-tail': colors = [getRandomColor()] * fishLength if colorPattern == 'head-tail': headTailColor = getRandomColor() colors[0] = headTailColor colors[-1] = headTailColor fish = {'right': fishType['right'], 'left': fishType['left'], 'colors': colors, 'hSpeed': random.randint(1, 6), 'vSpeed': random.randint(5, 15), 'timeToHDirChange': random.randint(10, 60), 'timeToVDirChange': random.randint(2, 20), 'goingRight': random.choice([True, False]), 'goingDown': random.choice([True, False])} fish['x'] = random.randint(0, WIDTH - 1 - LONGEST_FISH_LENGTH) fish['y'] = random.randint(0, HEIGHT - 2) return fish def simulateAquarium(): """Simulate the movements in the aquarium for one step.""" global FISHES, BUBBLERS, BUBBLES, KELP, STEP for fish in FISHES: if STEP % fish['hSpeed'] == 0: if fish['goingRight']: if fish['x'] != RIGHT_EDGE: fish['x'] += 1 else: fish['goingRight'] = False fish['colors'].reverse() else: if fish['x'] != LEFT_EDGE: fish['x'] -= 1 else: fish['goingRight'] = True fish['colors'].reverse() fish['timeToHDirChange'] -= 1 if fish['timeToHDirChange'] == 0: fish['timeToHDirChange'] = random.randint(10, 60) fish['goingRight'] = not fish['goingRight'] if STEP % fish['vSpeed'] == 0: if fish['goingDown']: if fish['y'] != BOTTOM_EDGE: fish['y'] += 1 else: fish['goingDown'] = False else: if fish['y'] != TOP_EDGE: fish['y'] -= 1 # else: fish['goingDown'] = True fish['timeToVDirChange'] -= 1 if fish['timeToVDirChange'] == 0: fish['timeToVDirChange'] = random.randint(2, 20) fish['goingDown'] = not fish['goingDown'] for bubbler in BUBBLERS: if random.randint(1, 5) == 1: BUBBLES.append({'x': bubbler, 'y': HEIGHT - 2}) for bubble in BUBBLES: diceRoll = random.randint(1, 6) if (diceRoll == 1) and (bubble['x'] != LEFT_EDGE): bubble['x'] -= 1 elif (diceRoll == 2) and (bubble['x'] != RIGHT_EDGE): bubble['x'] += 1 bubble['y'] -= 1 for i in range(len(BUBBLES) - 1, -1, -1): if BUBBLES[i]['y'] == TOP_EDGE: del BUBBLES[i] for kelp in KELPS: for i, kelpSegment in enumerate(kelp['segments']): if random.randint(1, 20) == 1: if kelpSegment == '(': kelp['segments'][i] = ')' elif kelpSegment == ')': kelp['segments'][i] = '(' def drawAquarium(): """Draw the aquarium on the screen.""" global FISHES, BUBBLERS, BUBBLES, KELP, STEP bext.fg('white') bext.goto(0, 0) print('Fish Tank, Ctrl-C to quit.', end='') bext.fg('white') for bubble in BUBBLES: bext.goto(bubble['x'], bubble['y']) print(random.choice(('o', 'O')), end='') for fish in FISHES: bext.goto(fish['x'], fish['y']) if fish['goingRight']: fishText = fish['right'][STEP % len(fish['right'])] else: fishText = fish['left'][STEP % len(fish['left'])] for i, fishPart in enumerate(fishText): bext.fg(fish['colors'][i]) print(fishPart, end='') bext.fg('green') for kelp in KELPS: for i, kelpSegment in enumerate(kelp['segments']): if kelpSegment == '(': bext.goto(kelp['x'], BOTTOM_EDGE - i) elif kelpSegment == ')': bext.goto(kelp['x'] + 1, BOTTOM_EDGE - i) print(kelpSegment, end='') bext.fg('yellow') bext.goto(0, HEIGHT - 1) print(chr(9617) * (WIDTH - 1), end='') sys.stdout.flush() def clearAquarium(): global FISHES, BUBBLERS, BUBBLES, KELP # Draw the bubbles: for bubble in BUBBLES: bext.goto(bubble['x'], bubble['y']) print(' ', end='') for fish in FISHES: bext.goto(fish['x'], fish['y']) print(' ' * len(fish['left'][0]), end='') for kelp in KELPS: for i, kelpSegment in enumerate(kelp['segments']): bext.goto(kelp['x'], HEIGHT - 2 - i) print(' ', end='') sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit()