import random, sys, time PAUSE = 0.15 # These are the individual rows of the DNA animation: ROWS = [ ' ##', # Index 0 has no {}. ' #{}-{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-{}#', ' ##', # Index 9 has no {}. ' #{}-{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}------{}#', ' #{}-----{}#', ' #{}---{}#', ' #{}-{}#'] try: print('DNA') print('Press Ctrl-C to quit...') time.sleep(2) rowIndex = 0 while True: # Main program loop. # Increment rowIndex to draw next row: rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 if rowIndex == len(ROWS): rowIndex = 0 # Row indexes 0 and 9 don't have nucleotides: if rowIndex == 0 or rowIndex == 9: print(ROWS[rowIndex]) continue # Select random nucleotide pairs, guanine-cytosine and # adenine-thymine: randomSelection = random.randint(1, 4) if randomSelection == 1: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'A', 'T' elif randomSelection == 2: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'T', 'A' elif randomSelection == 3: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'C', 'G' elif randomSelection == 4: leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide = 'G', 'C' # Print the row. print(ROWS[rowIndex].format(leftNucleotide, rightNucleotide)) time.sleep(PAUSE) # Add a slight pause. except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program.